These are some of the short answer questions that have come up over the last few years:
Ordinary Level
- Explain one of the following terms from the Age of Revolution: Boston Tea Party; Guillotine; United Irishmen.
- In relation to one of the revolutions in America or France or Ireland in the eighteenth century, name a leader of that revolution and an event associated with that revolution.
- In relation to one of the revolutions in America or France or Ireland in the eighteenth century, name a leader of that revolution and one of his aims.
- Put the following events in the correct order. Please start with the earliest: The French Revolution; The 1798 Rebellion; The American War of Independence.
Higher Level
- Give two causes of the American Revolution
- What change came about as a result of the Act of Union 1801?
- Choose one of the revolutions (America or France or Ireland) and give two causes of that revolution.
- Which county was the scene of the most intense rebel activity during the 1798 rising?
- What was the Reign of Terror in France in the 1790s?
- Name two effects of the American War of Independence on either Ireland or France.
- Give two reasons why the Americans revolted against Britain in 1775.
- Give two reasons why there was a rebellion in Ireland in 1798.
History@ Banagher College, Coláiste na Sionna.

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