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I teach 3rd / 4th / 5th & 6th classes in a 2 – Teacher school & therefore I try to integrate as much as I can across the grades & curriculum strands because of the multiple class situation. Currently with 5th & 6th classes I am using various genres of English Writing to create podcasts for our school blog.

 The children work collaboratively in groups drafting, revising & editing their pieces. At the end of this process each child has a piece of writing which is then recorded using Audacity (a free piece of software which enables you to make recordings). You can find a link under Blogroll.

This can be further edited to include music, jingles, background music, soundscapes etc. if you wish, and the finished piece is then ready to be uploaded to the blog.

Here I am going to focus on 2 Genres, namely Report Writing & Persuasive Writing in the form of a Movie Review.  I have included ‘Tips’ on how to integrate ICT into your English lesson.

You can view an outline of the entire project here:

In this project lessons & templates are all available in the ‘Pages’ section above. Teacher pupil conferencing & proof editing can take place either in the classroom, via the IWB (Interactive WhiteBoard) or online by means of email, voicethread, flash meeting or indeed through the comment boxes.

Voice thread & Flash meeting are particularly good for collaborative work & sharing with different partners and/or other classes in other schools.

Finally children publish their work by means of a Report or Review which are available in the ‘Categories’ section & also by uploading a podcast of their reports/reviews. A lot of work but incredible interesting & motivating for children.

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