This week we are blogging about Aztec Gods, Religion and sacrifice. This was very important in the Aztec world. The Aztecs had many beliefs about their gods. They believed the sun fought darkness every night and rose to save mankind. They believed the earth was flat. They believed that if they fed the sun blood, it would rise. They also believed in 13 heavens and 9 hells.
The Aztecs honoured their gods by sacrificing people. To learn about how the Aztecs did this, our group (Ashleigh, Nadja, Callie & Nicole) made a sacrifice scene. We chose this because it looked interesting. We made the model with cardboard boxes and paint. A heart sacrifice is done before the altar of an earth or underworld deity with a ferocious image. The sacrificial priest wears black body paint. Below, two worshippers carrying white incense pouches pierce their tongues and ears with large bone awls. On their right, a ball of copal burns above an offering of paper.
We recorded our work by putting up blogs and writting newspaper reports. We learned about the Aztec life. It was enjoyable and fun!
By Nadja & Callie 🙂
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Religion was important to the Aztecs because to keep their Gods happy.
There was the sun God, their also was the God of rain and the God of war and the God of maize .
They believed that if they made human sacrifices they would get what they wanted .
They made human sacrifices to honour their Gods .
We made a Aztec temple .
We chose this because it looked the most fun to make .
We made the model with cardboard and tape .
We used cardboard and tape to make the aztec temple in the classroom and we did used them materials because they would work to make the Aztec temples .
The difficulties that occured is the shape of the temple and that would have been the difficulties that the Aztec people would have encounterd.
By Reece & Conor
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The Aztec sacrificed people to keep the gods happy, the god of sacrifice was called Gyaaqyugy.
Other gods were Atlacoya, Citlalicue, Cipactonal and there main god was called Tezcatlipoca he was the god of Sun he was one of the most important gods in Aztecs history so to was the god of water Oiries .
We enjoyed the topic of Religion and sacrifice because it was a very interesting topic, I wouldn’t like to be an Aztec child back then because they had no technology and the food had poor quality and there was droughts so water wasn’t always around.
By Dean & Jack Fn
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This week we learned about Aztec Religion and Sacrifice .
Religion was important to the Aztecs
The Sun God , The Rain God , The War God and The Maize God were the most important Gods to the Aztecs.
The Aztecs liked to keep their Gods happy and they sacrificed people to do this. They also built temples to honour their Gods.
In our group, we made a model of a temple to help us learn about how the Aztecs would honour their Gods .
We made our model temple out of cardboard and paper. But in Aztec times they made temples out of stone and bricks. This would have been really difficult as they had to cut the blocks, carry them and built a massive structure with no machines to help them or technology like we have today.
We recorded our work by taking photos, blogging and writing reports.
It was great fun because we learned about their religion and how their beliefs were so different to ours today.
We would like to be Aztec children just to see the way they lived.:)
By : Laura Molly Hero And Rubine 😀
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Religion was important to the Aztecs and the most popular Aztec gods were The Sun god, The Rain God, The Maize God and The God of War.
To honour the gods, the Aztecs sacrificed human lives. For important gods like the Sun God, they sacrifed a life almost every day for that one god for they were afraid if they did less, the sun would extinguish.
In our group, we made a replica model of an Aztec sacrificial room to remind us of what it might be like to live in those days. Lauren made all the body organs and the Witch Doctor. Horatio made some dead sacrificed people. Jack made some tables and pots to hold the body organs and Matthew researched what the organs might look like on the using kids books from the library so we could make them. We used the internet to get ideas too!
We chose this over other options because it looked really cool and fun! >:D In the class , we used materials like straw and márla. We encountered a few difficulties like trying to get the people to stand and to get the tables to stand.
We recorded our work by taking photos with a digital camera. We chose this activity because we all agreed to do it and we came up with ways to put it together. It was much more fun and more exciting than just writing a paragraph in a copybook by yourself.
In this activity, we learned lots about about the Aztec gods. Have a look at a close up photo of the finished model, it’s so cool cause we have loads of blood n’ guts in it & we really enjoyed making this part ooooh
!! We even made the jars that stored the body parts and put miniture labels on them!:-)
Let us know what you think by leaving a comment.
Also have a look at the rest of the blog that others in the class have done. You have to go to the Home Page!
Created by Horatio, Jack Fld, Lauren & Matthew
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